Introducing the Recreation Therapy Assistant Gerontology Certificate Program

Therapeutic Recreation is a health care profession that utilizes a therapeutic process, involving leisure, recreation and play as a primary tool for each individual to achieve their highest level of independence and quality of life. Graduates of the Recreation Therapy Assistant program with a specialization in Gerontology work in a variety of health care settings.  Developed using the standards within the Essential Competency Framework for Therapeutic Recreation as a guide, the curriculum articulates the competencies necessary to practice as a Recreation Therapy Assistant Professional in Ontario.

• RTA’S work under the direction of a Recreation Therapist to deliver recreation therapy services.
• RTA’s assist in the delivery of goal-oriented programs and services to meet the leisure-related needs of clients.
• RTA’s work alongside the therapist(s) and contribute to the continuum of therapeutic services.
• The two main responsibilities of the RTA include program development and program delivery as well as program observation and reporting, in addition to non-direct client activities.
• RTA’s provide input, which will enable the Recreation Therapist to conduct assessments, develop intervention plans or evaluate a client’s progress in relation to the intervention plan.
• RTA’s will practice in accordance with the Standards of Practice set out by TRO.
• The standards of Practice reflect the major functions and competencies for effective performance.
• RTA’s must also perform in accordance with the mission, vision, values, and philosophy of the organization they are employed with.

Are you interested in more information about the Recreation Therapy Assistant Gerontology Certificate Program? Email Jerry at or call Jerry at 905-906-3706.


Jerry Bishop

Private Career College Consultant since 2004

Business Assessment Solutions Inc.
